July 19, 2007

Suffering Succotash

We get our box on Wednesdays, which means Tuesday night is generally clean-up night. Last week we did more eating out than usual, so I had to forego the shiny new vegetables (eggplant!) from our box and use what was left. I committed a crime, maybe even a mortal sin: we didn't eat the corn right away last week. Or even soon. It was still in the fridge after a week. Partly because we only received 2 ears and we have 3 uh, mouths that eat corn. This is how I handled it:

Some chicken stock
handful of barley
cut off corn from 2 ears
grated zucchini
paprika just because

Cooked the barley first, then added corn, then for the last 5 minutes zucchini. WHIZZED (thanks Miche, I love that word) it in a blender to chunky and voila.

1 comment:

KellytheCulinarian said...

Barley is so great for soups, but I don't know what else to use it in. Thanks for the ideas.